Fear of dentist? Our Yaletown dental office in Vancouver provides minimal sedation dentistry for a relaxed dental treatment with no pain dentistry.
Sedation Dentistry is the way to put you in more relax state as you receive dental treatment in or dental office in Yaletown, Vancouver. There are different levels of sedation dentistry;
Conscious Minimal Sedation
This type of sedation, usually administer by taking oral medication, make you relax while you are still aware of your surroundings. The dentist prescribes one pill that would be taken an hour before your appointment. The recovery is fast and within few hours after taking medication, you may go back to perform normal daily activities once the effects of medication is cleared. This type of sedation is the safest.
Moderate Sedation
This sedation bring the patient in to deeper mode of sedation. Patient is still aware of dental procedure. This is not the sedation of choice in our office since it has some risks due to deeper state of sedation.
Deep Sedation
In British Columbia, only a certified anesthesiologist can apply this type of sedation since patient goes to unconscious mode which requires constant monitoring by a specialist. Patient can not remember the dental treatment and the process carry some risks however sine it is monitored by specialist in a hospital setting, it is still safer than moderate sedation. We use this type of sedation in a hospital setting out of our Yaletown office for severe cases.
Sedation Indication in Dentistry
We do most of our dental treatments without sedation by using deep freezing, gentle touch and latest technology. In some cases, sedation may be needed such as;
- Fear of Dentist
- Anxious about needle
- Fear of noises
- Patients who need to do lots of treatments for extended amount of time on dental chair
For anxious patients, we use the safest conscious sedation medications combined with deep freezing to allow a relaxing dental treatment.